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Inception, Feasibility & First Meeting


From the first time you contact us, we will do our best to ensure you have as much information as possible to make your decision.  We are happy to discuss your requirements over the phone or by email, however we recommend a meeting where we will visit you at your home, site or building to be altered.  During this consultation, we will listen carefully to your requirements and offer impartial advice and ideas and explain what will be involved.  This visit also allows us to get a clearer picture of the existing building and identify any problems or constraints which might affect the proposals.  The above service and first meeting is completely free and there is no obligation to proceed.


Fee Quotation


Following the first consultation, we will send you a written fee quotation which will detail exactly what we will do for you.  It will clearly explain what the total fee will be and detail the services included.  It will also explain if any other fees are payable (eg. local authority fees, structural design fees or any other consultants required).  This will allow you to budget for the design stage of the work, right up to the point of being ready to start building.




If you wish to accept our quotation, we will arrange to carry out a full dimensional survey of your property (or the relevant part of the building to be altered/extended) at a time that suits you.  During this visit, you may have more questions which we will be happy to answer.  We will also firm up on the proposals and let you know when you can expect to see the first draught of drawings.




We start by drawing up existing plans and elevations based on all the information we took at the survey.  The ‘as existing’ drawings are then developed into proposed drawings.  We carefully draw everything up, taking into consideration all of your requirements and also information we know the planning department will be looking for.  Sometimes, we may obtain initial advice from Planning where we think there could be concerns about neighbouring property or where the proposals do not fully meet the planning guidelines.  This advice usually helps getting a positive planning decision.  Once planning permission been granted, we develop the drawings further to produce the building warrant drawings.  These are highly detailed plans, elevations, sections and details which will form part of the building warrant application package.  We will liaise with the structural engineer (if one is appointed) and work with them to allow them to produce their structural design drawings.  We will also provide all the necessary U value and heat loss calculations which Building Control requires.  Once all of the information has been completed and you are happy with the final drawings, we will lodge the building warrant application on your behalf and liaise with the local authority until the building warrant has been granted.




Most people are happy to manage their project themselves however if you feel you would rather have someone do this for you, we can oversee any project for you.  We can coordinate the various contractors and carry out inspections to ensure compliance with the approved drawings and also ensuring a high level of workmanship is being carried out.  This will make sure you are getting value for money and can remove some of the stress involved with dealing with tradesmen.


t.  07791 062777


36 Cloverhill View, East Kilbride

Glasgow, G74 1BH

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